How does RePack work?

Our mission is to make reusable packaging the new standard in online retail. We need you to help us achieve this:

Please send your RePack back into circulation!

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All purchases are delivered in a RePack

Shop as normal at Faedah Collection. Your purchases are automatically delivered to your home in a RePack. How easy is that?

Ein Mann übergibt einer Frau ein Paket in einer Türöffnung
Veranschaulichung des Prozesses zur Rücksendung von Waren.

Do you have a return for Faedah Collection? No problem!

Pack the items to be returned in the RePack and adjust the size of the RePack to the contents using the Velcro tape. Seal the RePack with the sealing sticker provided and take it to the nearest post office.

Drei Personen warten in der Schlange, um Artikel per Briefkasten zurückzugeben

Nothing to return?

RePack is reusable packaging, but we need your help to make it work.

If you don't have any items to return, simply fold the return flap outwards and seal the packaging. Drop RePack in the nearest letterbox. The return is already paid for. So we can keep the party going!